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Safeguarding Joint Health for Rodeo Athletes: The Role of Rigid Frame Custom Knee Braces


As rodeo athletes gear up for another thrilling competitive season, it is crucial to prioritize the protection of their joints. Among the many potential areas of concern, the knees are particularly vulnerable in rodeo events such as bull riding, bronc riding, steer wrestling, and bullfighting. Aware of the significant risk rodeo athletes face, utilizing rigid frame custom knee braces becomes essential in preventing injuries, ensuring stability during competitions, and aiding in the recovery process.

Rodeo custom knee braces at Leduc Physio

Rodeo athletes engage in adrenaline-pumping events that involve fierce physical exertion, unpredictable animal movements, and constant strain on the joints. This combination makes them highly susceptible to knee injuries. In particular, bull riding, bronc riding, steer wrestling, and bullfighting involve intense twisting, turning, and heavy landings that can put tremendous pressure on the knees.

The Benefits of Rigid Frame Custom Knee Braces:

Custom knee braces are specifically designed to deliver maximum support and protection to the knees, tailored to the unique needs of rodeo athletes. These braces offer a range of benefits, including:

1. Injury Prevention: Rigid frame custom knee braces are engineered to provide stability and reduce the risk of injury during high-impact activities. They offer reinforced support to crucial ligaments and structures, minimizing the chances of strain, sprains, and tears in the knee joint.

2. Stability Post-Injury: In the event of a knee injury, a custom knee brace can play a vital

Leduc Physio custom DonJoy Knee brace options.

role in the recovery process. By offering targeted support to the injured area, the brace helps stabilize the knee joint and facilitates healing. It ensures proper alignment, reduces pain, and prevents further damage during the rehabilitation phase.

3. Aid in Recovery: Custom knee braces are not limited to injury prevention and recovery alone. They can also assist lithe joints. By reducing load on the knee joint and distributing forces evenly, these braces alleviate stress on the surrounding soft tissues. This promotes a comprehensive recovery process, facilitating a successful return to the rodeo arena.

Our team at Leduc Physio offers FREE information sessions for custom bracing solutions, physiotherapy, massage therapy, concussion therapy, and more.

Book a brace fitting here:

Or physiotherapy here:

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